Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spiritual Oblivion

Sometimes the only reason I think I'm here is because I don't know any better.

What could have I been? I'm not talking doctor or fireman, I'm thinking bigger. I could have been a wolf for all I know. Why that popped into my head as the first thing is probably because I just got a copy of Ōkami for the Wii. Fucking amazing game. And I beat the whole thing without looking at any type of walkthrough for me. Not really a first but it has been a while. Especially for a largely puzzle game. I finally broke down and looked at IGN when I accidently stumbled apon the hardest challenge in the game. Ready to die at the fifth round of I didn't know how many, turns out there's ten.

I got on a tangent there. I'm just kinda wondering the nature of souls. Do they exist? Where do they go after we die? Where are they before we are born? Does everything have a soul? Can parts of things have their own soul? Can a group have a soul? Can souls have effects on the physical world, or visa-versa? Most importantly, why did my soul go into this body?

A thousand questions that living man might not ever answer. If we listen to science, they would tell us that our life is that and only that. There is no soul, no place that we go after we die and no place we were before we were born. That life as it is now is the only thing that matters. Why bother with church if the only place we go out of existence is into a grave?

I like to think a bit better than that. I've seen women trash on the floor when something dark inside of her was being pushed out. I've seen a man that hasn't has his lungs work right for ten years finally be able to take a deep breath after the touch of a holy man. I've heard things that no scientist would explain as a natural occurrence, felt chills in a room without wind, and seen things that could never have been there. More importantly I've heard men tell stories of walking the fine line of death and their experiences of coming back from the other side.

I'd like to think that after we die, that there isn't just some little place of dirt to call our own. That there is something more. Heck, if even all there was after we died was eternal punishment in a lake of fire, I would want to know. Probably so I can try to extend my life a bit more than I'm doing now. And maybe try to get use to heat more. If there is a hell, I hope it isn't just a lake of fire, I want it to be a bit more interesting. I want it to be my family reunion​ when I just got a smoking hot nymphomaniac girlfriend, that has issues about any PDA. I want it to be an urgent message courier for New York City during rush hour. I want it to be a nine to five job as an office bitch working for a company that sells paper. I want it to be my sixth grade class. I want it to be trying to teach the plot of a single episode of Lost to someone who's never seen it.

That being said, I don't really want there to be a hell. I'd like a heaven. But I think given enough time, heaven would be hellish. Getting to do whatever you want any time you want would be dull as hell after a year or two. Seems like getting a dream job that gets dull quicker than you can see your first paycheck.

If there is an afterlife, I hope it's a lot like earth here. Not everything is easy, not much comes free, and you have to give your time to get something good. And if there is an after life, I hope one day you can leave it, and I hope they have as much idea of where you go after that as we do now.

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