Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Epic Struggle of Man

I want to run an immoral science experiment.

There has been a total of five people I've fucked. Two were girls, two were guys, and then there's my transsexual friend. Three have been virgins, two have fucked other people before me. Two were younger than me, one was about my age, and the other two were older than me.

This is about the two girls that I've fucked. This is about two of the virgins. This is about two of the people that were younger than me. This is about the two fourteen year old virgins that I've fucked.

With in a few days after I fucked the first fourteen year old girl, I noticed my dick seemed to get a bit bigger. Even my transsexual friend noticed and liked that it got a bit bigger. Then, after I took the cherry of the second fourteen year old girl, I noticed my dick got a bit bigger again. Not by much, but noticeable.

Now part of me wants to think that this is a coincidence, just a fluke of nature that just some growth spurts happened at that time. Then there's other part of me that wants to think that, yes, for some reason my dick happens to get bigger when ever I fuck a new girl. That I have and will have for the rest of my life, a way to make my dick bigger, not nessicarly anytime I want, but I don't really want to think that I have to fuck a virgin in order to have this effect though. Or a fourteen year old. Then again, if I have to fuck fourteen year olds, it probably wouldn't be to hard to get virgins as well.

Need actually scientific data about the size of my cock, the girls I'm with, and change over time. Maybe I can make a connection. If I do find out if there is a connection between fucking and dick size, I want to know. Not only for my own sake, but for the sake of all the other girls I will ever fuck. If I ever publish my findings, I will probably be called a pedophile.

Isn't what most men do an attempt to make their dick seem bigger? I'm just a little more direct.

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