Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Poolside Fun

Just got done making out with a girl for at least half an hour. It was awesome.

Today we had a pool party, nothing special really. We have one every Tuesday and I always get my group of friends to come over to the community pool for a few hours and party it up. It was actually rather good this time, I brought a bunch of cans of soda that were left over from my last party, some other kid brought two Rockstars, and another emptied out his cupboard of snack food to us.

Then all but me and one other kid left. I live about a fifth of a mile away from the pool, so I didn't need to go anywhere fast. There was also two other girls there, one I've met by my ex's parents were friends with her parents, and the other was her cousin. Let's call the one I already know J, now I'm pretty sure J has always had a crush on me, we tend to poke fun at each other a lot.

We were talking and poking fun at each other, then she asks me "Hey, why isn't your girlfriend here?"

I say, "She's not my girlfriend anymore."

"Oh, so you're single now?"

"Yea, what are you going to do about it?"

Then she's under me and gets right up to my mouth with her mouth. We start making out. Then she steals a plastic inflatable whale from me. We're half making out, half chasing each other for the whale. Then we start to not care about the whale so much and just start making out. I feel lucky that all the people there were there, my friend that stayed there a little longer than she was suppose to talked to J's cousin and they kept each other entertained. For half an hour while me and J were making out. Then we went behind a shed and made out some more and I felt her tits. It ended with her cousin begging them to leave because she might not be allowed to stay the night.

But I got her phone number and we're going to meet up Thursday. Probably for sex.

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