Sunday, June 20, 2010

New computer troubles...

I got a new computer, a brand new right out of the fucking box took the protective film off of it myself new computer.

It's got a lot of problems. Most of which, I fixed right off the bat. To name a few, it came with both MacCaffe and Norton Antivirus software. Now, these are good programs that do their jobs with excellence, but they are not for me. I remember one of the last times I dealt with Norton, it advised that you buy the professional version insted of keep the free one. They even had a little table of the diffrenced between the two. One of the more notable things on this table was that both free and paid versions detect viruses, but only the pay for version had the little checkmark that says "Removes virus". I had to deal with a program that I forget the name of, but it's probably good that I have, but I remeber the type of program it was. Ransomware. Basically, it locked you out of your computer till you paid fifty bucks. It kept you from opening any program except for internet explorer, and it had a proxy rediret there that made it only go to there site. Where you had to pay to get the full version of the program where it would remove all these viruses it was finding and let you have your computer back. I looked it up, and they made the viruses up. It wasn't good for shit, and because Norton reminded me a lot of that program, I now think Norton is shit. So I uninstalled Norton and installed Avast before even connecting it to the internet.

Then a whole merryaid of programs came next since I was connected to the internet. CCleaner VLC, foobar2000, uTorrent, Rainmeter, WinRAR, YoWindow, Trillian, and VirtuaWin. Skype was already on here and was one of the few programs I deceded to keep. Also got Irfanview as pretty much a copy of the basic file viewer of XP, which I'm upgrading from, since the standard Windows 7 one sucks. Have to press three buttons to get the actual size and can't even play gifs. I don't care that you can play video files, that why you come with windows media player, which also sucks so I replaced it with foobar2000.

Also got the new version of firefox. 3.6.something. Big leap since my old computer only had 3.0.3. So I get the new firefox, try installing all my old add-ons and we start running into problems. I had to go into the comments of one of the add-ons to find a version that works since it's creator apparently just forgot about it. Another thing is that I couldn't get the SaveSession add-on to work. I tried two diffrent add-on and reinstalling them half a dozen times, but it wouldn't work. I eventually looked up why this is, and apparently it was because I didn't have the history being saved. At all. So when ever I closed it, it was lost to the sands of time. I went over to my old computer and looked at my old version of firefox, and found that the history was never saved and the SaveSession add on worked very well. Even though I love mozilla and everything they do, I wanted to punch them in the face. So I quickly downgraded to version 3.0.10 to keep my SaveSession, and not keep my history. It's kinda funny how big they can advertize how much they want you to have the newest version of Firefox. Even with all it's features, I still don't want it.

Oh yea, and I'm fucking a fourteen year old girl. Just thought you ought to know. I'll probably make a post about that tommorow.

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