Sunday, June 27, 2010

I am safe.

Met with parents of J today, said that they kinda understand and would probably do the same thing if they were in that position, at least the step-dad did. More importantly, not pressing charges. They talked about how she's not exactly innocent, and how they need to keep a better leash on her. The mother just broke some major part of her leg, so she can't go back to work for three months, so in that time, she's going to keep a mighty close eye on her. They kept saying teens will be teens and didn't really blame me cuz they know their daughter is a slut. They also kept saying that they would use this time to "Instill the fear of god in her." Which I didn't really understand, and made me think more and more about kidnapping J, not so that I could have a sex slave, but for her own good. The church the mother goes to is the big flashy type of Christianity that asks you to give to the rich church so they can build a bigger, flashier church. Makes sunday seem like a three ring circus.

The step dad didn't quite talk so much. The t first comment was about how he would do what I did, then a grunt followed by the words "You know, hormones," when it matched what his wife was talking about. The next words out of his mouth is that how I am rather lucky, and that I didn't sleep with anyone's daughter that would have a grudge against the pervert and go after him with a shotgun. He also casualled mentioned that he does have a shotgun, and that two people that would be the type he just discribed would be J's older brother and biological father. Thankfully for me, they are both more than three hundred miles away. He also said he'll let it slide now, but next time, he will call the sheriff. If not one of the men eariler mentioned. He also mentioned about how there are plenty of guys in this county, that if I went and fucked their daughters, they would never find the body. He's a nice guy, I think.

So I'm probably going to stay away from that girl for a while. Till she's eighteen at least.

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