Thursday, July 1, 2010

Merry July

There's too much fucking emotion in the world.

For pretty much this entire day, I've been looking at webcomics. Some of the more drama filled hotspots of the internet that I actually read. Teens and adults and wolves fight each other with words of not so much hate, but words that have the same feeling behind them. Kissing and death and weird action shots of volcanoes follow all these emotions. I feel for them. I feel for these two dementional characters that are made up by some guy trying to kill time. Deep sorrow can be felt when some guy types in that one betrayed/fucked/kissed/killed/made fun of someone they should not have. The best writers make you feel like you could know the characters yourself, no?

Then I went and chatted on Omegel for a while, kill some time. I got bounced over to a site called Six Billion Secrets. It's a new fad I'm seeing pop up around the internet. People being able to share real life stories anonymously about how good, bad, or hilarious their day, life, or situation is. Then hundred of thousands of other people just like them can read and sympathize on how much their life sucks, rocks, or would make a good sitcom.

The more I read these sites, the more I realize that most people are self-centered bastards that couldn't see an emotion in someone else if it fell on their head like a brick.

I'm starting to think that most people just want to be looked at. And most of the time, they have no reason for anyone to look at them. Most of the sceans out there, like goth, skater, hipster, don't really reflect what they are about. They're just filling up space in their empty lives. I think I've finally made a revelation. Instead of trying to look cool, actually be interesting. Have stuff going on in your life that people would like to join in on. In the time it took me to right this blog, I learned how to play "A Horse With No Name" by America. Not really anything worth praise, but a start. Maybe I can keep with it this time. Maybe I can become... Post-Hipster.

Scratch that, just looked it up. Practically means hipster. Maybe I can just be an interesting guy. Maybe not Dos Equis interesting, but it's something to aim for. Let's start off with a guitar and work my way up to sharks having a week dedicated to me.

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