Thursday, July 8, 2010

Most intresting weight lost system.

Features no exercise! Eat whatever you want! No need for any dangerous pills! Have more hours in your day!

All you have to do is try your absolute best to never sleep. I've been trying to do this for a few weeks, and I have already lost like five pounds. I think that's a mix of still trying to eat three square meals even though it's more of a 20-22 hour day, working out to try to stay awake, and being sick to my stomach a lot, so whenever I do eat, I can only eat half what I use to. Also, when ever I do sleep, I noramally sleep so hard, that I'll wake up in six hours, and my muscles will be too sore to lie back down.

There's also a lot more dreaming going on. Probably just because I can sleep in and wake when ever I want. But last night I had an intresting dream. It started out as a 2d view of just a couple of 8-bit pixles. I had one of the pixles that got to shoot at little crosses. I finally damaged one of them enough, that a win screen popped up, an 8-bit girl offered to give my ship a blow-job. I turned my ship around and fired at the "restart" block. Again, there were a few crosses that I shot at. And again, I finally damaged one enough to open something else. However this one opened something not 8-bit, or any bit.

It was a living room with a girl in pretty much in the same position as last time, but she looked much better. This girl had long brown hair over her naked body going over her smooth perfect tits and the rest of her tan body. I walk up to her and feel her tits, taking time with her softly pointing nipples with two percings a peice. She offers me a blow-job I move my hand down to her shaven crotch, I mention how I would like something else more. I put a finger in her and I almost melted. She was tight, very tight, the thought of my cock being in her made me want to melt. At that point, I would do anything to put my cock in her. She says that she's a virgin, I still want her. We make out a little bit and I wake up.

As soon as I wake up, I try to go back to sleep. I've been trying to practive lucid dreaming more, as soon as I wake up, I try to do WILD. Which is pretty much You lying so still and ignoring any awake checks from your body so it thinks your mind is asleep. Then you can open your eyes and start seeing shit. Takes a while though, like thirty minuets, and as a I've said before, my body gets so tired that it gets sore to keep sleeping.

Stuff like that has been happening to me a lot recently, I wake up from such a nice dream, I don't want to do anything else but go back to sleep. Maybe I have nothing better to do these days but dream the days away.

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