Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm only writing this because utorrent is taking all the bandwidth

I'm about to get two kittens. I don't really have to much more to say about that. Maybe I should have just twitter'd that. Whatever.

Some times I want to run away from this life. All this expectations, all this responsibility, all this pressure. Go ahead and become a wanderer. Go from place to place and live off the kindness of others, and give back to them what I can. Become a holy man, telling people how to live their life better. Become a tramp, picking up what little work I can to meet end's meet. Become a bard, tell people of more exciting days or more exciting lives.

The point of is all is that I want to live more free of what I do now. I want a existence that isn't tied down to anything. I want a life that isn't status quo.

I'm not all to sure of the logistics of it though. I can't really go more than a day or two without a shower before I start to feel like a grease trap. I don't really do to much with my time besides mess around on the computer. I'm not in shape at all, walking around or being in the heat for too long wouldn't really fit me. And I can't say I'm the prettist boy on the block either, free stuff wouldn't come eaisy.

Maybe I should get in shape and get a bit of plastic done before I go out into the world. Kinda weird for a hobo to have just come out of surgery. Whatever.

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