Wednesday, July 21, 2010

good old childhood

About a week ago, I got a sudden urge to play Sonic Adventure. Now, since this is on a system that no longer is in production, and finding a dreamcast would be a feat in itself, I decided to do the next best thing. I got an emulator. That, and I'm to cheap to spend twenty bucks on what would probably be a system and probably twenty games. I know emulators and roms tend to have a reputation of being more diseased than twelve dollar hookers. But I tend to trust people and what they do. Which is something that will probably get me in some big shit someday, but what ever, I'll go down with a smile.

So, about twelve diffrent versions of emulators later, I finally got one that works. And I played a couple stages of Sonic Adventures. Then Sonic Adventures 2. I couldn't really get the emulator to play at any speed but 300%, or 70%. Both are annoying as fuck, but 300% doens't seem like your waiting for twelve hours to play one level and can get you through a level rather quick. And 70% is usefull for when you want to do something with presision.

But going through the list of games on the rom site, I saw other games that I remember playing. Things like Toy Racer, Rayman 2, and Evolution: The World of the Sacred Device. Now, for thoes of you who don't know about Evolution: The World of the Sacred Device, it was one of the first full RPG's on the dreamcast. It featured rich gameplay in it's unique dungon-crawling world, multiple exchangable charcters each with there unique wepons or abilities. If you don't have it, I suggest you go out and buy it. Or just get a digital copy of it and play it on a computer. And since there are no more "New copies" for you to buy and game makers to get roalities from, I'm pretty sure sega doesn't care either.

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