Monday, July 5, 2010

The Expectations I cannot live without and their exceptions

I have completely different expectations for my porn stars and my women.

Now, when I like to settle down for a little bit of 'Gentleman's Time', I generally go online to look at videos. Sometimes I'll go to places like /d/ and read a futa manga or something, but most of the time, I just go to redtube. I tend to have decently specific tastes when it comes to porn videos. Not like the girl has to be blond or Asian and the guy has to be generally my build, for the most part. The girl has to be shaved and not fat enough to rolls, I generally go for white girls mostly because black girls are weird and Asian girls are almost never shaved. My interest in guys are so specific that almost no one gets it right, just shut up and fuck the girl is all I say.

That's another thing, most porn videos start off ten minuets of them just talking. No offense, I like you being pieces of meat that get pounded. If I ever think I have a chance to date you I'll probably do all I can to find out more about you, otherwise, shut your trap before I put my cock in it. Then again, I don't really like blowjob scenes, which is the next ten minuets. So about ninety percent of the time, I just skip to the middle of the movie where she's already getting pounded. Hard. And moaning like she is. I don't really like dirty talk too much either. First off, I don't think that's very lady like. And yes I know she is having unprotected sex with someone she barely knows for cold hard cash, but I want her to keep some decency. And secondly almost no one does it right, most of it is "Oh god, I love your cock in my pussy!" Some times it even gets advance as "Oh god, I love your rock hard cock it my tight wet pussy!" Neither of which would get very far in the field of literary studies if written into a book. Good dirty talk could very well be written by Hemingway, or some other high class author that could write well and write porn.

Some other good things to shout during sex include "Yes/God yes/fuck me/harder/fuck me harder/Don't stop/*high pitched screams of pleasure*/*general moaning*." Also calling out names is good. The first time I've ever had a name called out during sex was when I was fingering a girl really intensely and she let the word "Light" slip from her mouth. For those who don't know, Light is the Americanized name of a character from the popular Manga/Anime series "Death Note". It's more his personality that makes him attractive. He's a serial killer. But a name was said that wasn't mine and I wasn't really sure how to react. Then again, I probably wouldn't know what to do if she said my name. Proven true by the first time a girl did shout out my name during sex. Part of me wanted to return the favor, part of me wanted to shout out "Oh, Jessica!", and part of me want to just keep doing what I was doing, like the last time a name was shouted out. And that was probably a good thing too, because I later found out wasn't Jessica. I think that would probably be an awquard moment to top them all. "Oh Wylv!" "Oh Jessica!" "Wait, who's Jessica?" "Aren't you Jessica?" "No!" "Then who the hell am I fucking?"

Lookie there, I've made a decently clean transition from porn to real life, now if only that could happen more often. The girls that I date tend to be not the girls that I would accept to star in porn I watch. They can be bigger girls, they can be hairy down there, they can have not such a nice complection. They can even have a bit of a mustache or sideburns and I wouldn't really care, mostly because dating an FTM has made me a lot more open to the possibility of reverse traps.

There's also a few more thing's I need in order to have a really good porn video. One is being a creampie. About 98% of all porn videos out there end with the guy pulling out and cumming onto the girls face. I don't like to do this in real life, so I don't like it in porn as well. I know that it feels probably ten times better to not have a condom on, but if it's a choice between using a condom, or pulling out, I'll get a condom because even though it feels ten times better to not have a condom on, it feels ten times better than that not to have to do something completely different at the end of it. I don't really think I could be a porn star just for that reason.

Lastly, it has to have color. I mean bold color. Bright blues or reds. I say this mostly because most porn look like they are shot in a hotel room with some off white lighting. By off white, I mean very much red or yellow. It looks like the white balance is off and is not a turn on at all. Hey, with all the videos out there, I can afford to be a little picky.

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