Monday, July 27, 2009

Old Childhood Memories

We all have old kiddy memories, the little things like dad letting you ride on an extra seat on his bike. Or Mom trying to teach you how to wipe. The memories from way old back, the type of memories that seem like they might not actually exist but the only reason you know they're real is because you've talked to your parents or siblings or neighbors and they help bring out the details you forgot. There are some memories that if you ask anyone they have no idea what you're talking about. I remember going out to the back woods and seeing a 4by4 trail but the only part I could see of it was this bit that climbed straing up for fifty feet then went straight back down. My mom says I'm full of shit. I also like to tell people that I remember my great-grandmother telling stories about living back in Alabama and my great-grandmother's grandma fooling around with some of the share-croppers/slaves/any-black-guy-in-the-south-at-that-time so I'm not really all white. My mom says I'm full of shit.

Then there are somethings I don't like to tell people. Like how I once was God.

There are a few select memories from way back. Like before I was bore back. Like before anyone was born back. At least I think. They are mainly memories about me just floating about. Going over forests and mountains and just stopping near a little waterfall. I stopped the water from coming down for a second while I adjusted a stone that hit the water too much. When the water started flowing again, it was much prettier. I felt satisfied and floated off. I know I use to know a lot more, but its faded a lot with age.

This is the first place I ever said any of that. I love anonymity.

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