Friday, August 14, 2009


"What would you wish for, anything at all. I would go for having the power to stop time so I could rape everything without anyone knowing.

That's impossible try for something a bit more realistic. Alright, how about one of my friends falling in love with me. Not to realistic, but at least possible.

She already has a boyfriend, and they're decently happy together, that would be a little selfish. And what are you talking about, you already got a girlfriend. My girlfriend would probably like to see me fuck someone else, so no problem there.

Alright so how about going for this other friend? Ok, sweet.

I wish she would fall in love with me."

The meteor shower was the other night, that was pretty much what went through my mind when I walked. I think I respect the first friend enough that I wouldn't fuck her. The second friend has really big tits. But the point is that I'm a normal human male and would turn down hot hot sex if I knew that it would cause pain to some one I- respect so much. Sometimes my mind does weird things to me.

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