Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Religion Part 1

I planned to introduce this series with some of my earilest thoughts on religon, moving up to what I think now. But I just thought of this about half a hour ago and need to right it down.

If God, saying there is single Abrahamic God with heaven/hell, all that, would let anyone down into hell, it must be because he does not like them. Why else would you let someone suffer an etirenity of torture? And why would you not like someone? Mainly because of their personality. It differs from your own and that leads to clashes and general dislike. God should be saying, "If I'm going to spend an eternity with these people, I should like them". So in order to be liked by God you must be like God. Basically what I'm saying is that anyone who plays god is bound to get into heaven, or something like that. I know I'm going to get in.

Either that, or god doesn't mind letting people go to hell because it's really a giant party. I know I'm going to get in.


Anyways, I have these pants with holes in the knees. High fashion, I know. But I was walking through my property and had to go down a hill that had thoes plants with thoes little burrs that stick to anything more or less. They got stuck on the inside of my pants, through the hole. I had to spend 5 minuets standing in the middle of nowhere getting them out. FML

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