Monday, July 27, 2009

Old Childhood Memories

We all have old kiddy memories, the little things like dad letting you ride on an extra seat on his bike. Or Mom trying to teach you how to wipe. The memories from way old back, the type of memories that seem like they might not actually exist but the only reason you know they're real is because you've talked to your parents or siblings or neighbors and they help bring out the details you forgot. There are some memories that if you ask anyone they have no idea what you're talking about. I remember going out to the back woods and seeing a 4by4 trail but the only part I could see of it was this bit that climbed straing up for fifty feet then went straight back down. My mom says I'm full of shit. I also like to tell people that I remember my great-grandmother telling stories about living back in Alabama and my great-grandmother's grandma fooling around with some of the share-croppers/slaves/any-black-guy-in-the-south-at-that-time so I'm not really all white. My mom says I'm full of shit.

Then there are somethings I don't like to tell people. Like how I once was God.

There are a few select memories from way back. Like before I was bore back. Like before anyone was born back. At least I think. They are mainly memories about me just floating about. Going over forests and mountains and just stopping near a little waterfall. I stopped the water from coming down for a second while I adjusted a stone that hit the water too much. When the water started flowing again, it was much prettier. I felt satisfied and floated off. I know I use to know a lot more, but its faded a lot with age.

This is the first place I ever said any of that. I love anonymity.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fuck watches.

I have this amazing ability to stay up way past my bedtime. And there's nothing I can do about it. It really pisses, well everyone around me off cuz I act like I'm in a totally different time zone from them. Wake at noon, stall up till 4 in the morning, sometimes more. That wouldn't be so bad if I didn't really have to deal with people to get things like food and a roof over my head. The sad thing is that I do. Everyone expects me to get up at a reasonable hour. Why I ask.

The hours of the day are not really time. Enjoying your life is how time really passes.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Religion Part 1

I planned to introduce this series with some of my earilest thoughts on religon, moving up to what I think now. But I just thought of this about half a hour ago and need to right it down.

If God, saying there is single Abrahamic God with heaven/hell, all that, would let anyone down into hell, it must be because he does not like them. Why else would you let someone suffer an etirenity of torture? And why would you not like someone? Mainly because of their personality. It differs from your own and that leads to clashes and general dislike. God should be saying, "If I'm going to spend an eternity with these people, I should like them". So in order to be liked by God you must be like God. Basically what I'm saying is that anyone who plays god is bound to get into heaven, or something like that. I know I'm going to get in.

Either that, or god doesn't mind letting people go to hell because it's really a giant party. I know I'm going to get in.


Anyways, I have these pants with holes in the knees. High fashion, I know. But I was walking through my property and had to go down a hill that had thoes plants with thoes little burrs that stick to anything more or less. They got stuck on the inside of my pants, through the hole. I had to spend 5 minuets standing in the middle of nowhere getting them out. FML

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Twitter me this, twitter me that

I got a twitter today. Why? I don't know.

It seems even more useless than a blog, twittering. It's pretty much you life in less than a paragraph at a time. I think its so stupid the little things that you get to find out about everyone. I mean little things. But its just the little stuff that they want you to hear. Not anything to important or anything that could probably be used to destroy their life or make them sleep with you. Just little things.

I always like going into people's houses and looking through their stuff. It's never anything too important, but sometimes you'll find interesting stuff. Like a dildo. Or an old magazine about futuristic things in the 1980's. Or anal beads.

If you care about my tiny thoughts in daily doses, go to
I beg of you.
I need to know someone is out there listening to me.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

From the depths of /d/

A couple of days ago, my girlfriend got a mannequin. Little weird yes, but its has a reason. She's about to do a show where she'll dance with it. We come from the store where the little lady there let us borrow it for the show. All the way back to my place, I'm kinda flirting with it. Rubbing its breasts, caressing its neck, holding it close. I would make out with it if it had a head. It's kinda fun making my girlfriend jealous of a milky white carbon copy of some models torso. Now normally, my girlfriend isn't the jealous type, but I actually got her to take the dummy from my lap and toss it in the back seat.

When we finally get to my place, I ask if I could keep the mannequin with me for the night, she says, "Well since we don't have time to do anything tonight, I might as well give you her." she laughs a bit before adding, "I'll be here tomorrow so I can get the bottom of it ready." then she drives off into the distance.

So there I am in my room with nothing but a mannequin and some spare time. I wouldn't fuck this thing right? I don't need this, I got a good girlfriend and as well as a good high speed connection when shes gone. I hold it up for a closer look, its got no head, no arms, and about six inches of legs. Then again, its got good hips, a nice flat stomach. I couldn't say the same about my girlfriend. I really like the perky breasts that they put on this, it even has good nipples to suck.

Wait, why would I be doing this for some piece of plastic? I guess I just like sucking it- her nipples, gently licking her neck, rubbing its back and roaming down south to her firm ass. I really love it and just start rubbing her vulva, or what should be its vulva instead of a plastic non-gendered crotch. How could I fuck her now? Wait, her legs are spread just a little, and just little enough that it makes a tight fit for my erect cock, throbbing with want. it fits snuggly right up against her crotch. I can thrust ever so gently against her where I would know she would be quivering in pleasure, I thrust harder and harder. Moans fill the room. God this is good. I'm actually fucking a mannequin. And she feels way to good to be just plastic.


The doll seems to have just a bit extra white on it the next morning.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Blogging Galore!!!

I just found my girlfriends blog. I don't think she would like that.

Little thing out of the way first, its not too interesting. Looks more like a throwaway blog I had a few times before actually sticking to one. The kind you make for a new years resolution, because you are so sure that your life is so interesting that you could make numerous posts about it. Then post on for two day and totally forget about until Labor Day.

It's got three posts, the first being a basic, I got MPD, deal with it. The second on is actually kinda funny, she either lets Jack post or just copypastes something saved of Jack's onto the blog. It explains the trouble he had with one of his friends, a girl who is a total tease. He rants on and on about being so close that it drove him mad and some of the other alters had to put him down and out for a few days. And what is one of his closing statements? "-I’m no emo pussy." Would most likely be funnier if you've been through all the hours of crying that I've put up through. And lastly a post about ghosts. She sees ghosts, the reason which often switches between "Oh god my crazy mind is trying to make me crazy" to "I'm connected with everything"

All that aside, there is kinda a moral dilemma going on. I know she doesn't want me to read it and I found it out by accident. So is it ok if I go through her personal blog without her permission? One one side, you have the possibility of finding out info that would help you in dealing with said person. And on the other side, I know I wouldn't want anyone I know reading this blog. Hi random people. Fuck you TGO. And almost above anything else, I try to avoid being a hypocrite. So if I don't want her to read my blog, I shouldn't read hers.

But I already did.

Oh well.