Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Clods explain relationships.

You know what my relationship is right now, to explain it to you best, I got to use a metaphor.

Relationships in general is like being a young guy working at an up-scale restaurant, OK? You generally have two choices, working as a waiter, or working valet. They're not really that different of jobs, you can both run into crappy customers, you get about the same pay and you can get good tips if you are nice. Then there are some other people who want to go higher and be a chef, but let's not talk about them.

Most guys would say, "I wanna be a waiter", for one or more of a variety of reasons. They would want just the pleasure of working with the food all the time. The might not ever want to be a valet guy, they like cars, don't get them wrong, but for something serious, they wanna serve food. It's just what their parents and the rest of society would prefer them to do.

Some guys would say, "Yea, bring on the cars," cuz they're just like that. They might tell about how serving food to people can be a pain and not fun at all, just not worth the time. That cars can more easily speak their language then a bitchy customer that expects you to know what they want. Sometimes, they might want to stay with a car and be recognized as being together for the rest of their life, but that's not legally possible in most states just yet.

Then you get some guys who wouldn't mind either one that came their way, they are just cool like that. The situation I'm in now is when I was in some job waiting tables, I liked my job, nice benefits, easy hours. Then one day, my boss, who is apparently the creator of all of us who I'm getting more and more sure each day is myself, came up and said to me, "You, you're going to go valet now. Got it?" Most men at this point would say, "No way, fuck that, fuck you, I'm outta here." But I'm not most guys, what I said was "What's the worst that can happen."

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