Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Avatar in 3-D wasn't as good as just 2-D

Action movies suck. I mean they really suck. They have no originality any more. I just saw avatar, and admittedly, that was the first in maybe a new type of sci-fi, but there were half a dozen trailers before it, and I had a bit of trouble telling one from another.

Here is three movies coming out soon.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Yes an original story, with all the gods and monsters of ancient Greece to back them up.
Sherlock Homes: Not only is Robert Downy Jr. an action version of the famed character, he is also crazy.
Clash of the Titans: A remake, I could not tell anything about the plot except that there's a god-damm Kracken in it.
Honorable mentions: Jurassic Park 4, Iron Man 2, Harry Potter 7

It seems like nothing anymore has an ounce of imagination. And it seems like it is all about high-octane, quick paced action. Not about any whim of plot. Our society has become this mass of ADD children looking at the next thing that will blow up.

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