Saturday, January 16, 2010

A beginners guide to psychic shielding.

First day with my energy vamp girl/boyfriend was a good one. I manage to keep my shield up most of the time and didn't feel tired at all when she left. That's not too interesting. What is interesting is how much I've learned about psychic shielding in such a short time. God, I love the internet.

Basically, what I've learned is that energy vamps take energy, life force or prana pretty naturally. They don't mean to do it, well most of them, they just survive better with it. Kinda like if you don't eat anything for a week, you survive, yes, but you're not feeling to hot. They take it from whoever they can, sometimes more active people that can handle the downtime, sometimes from crowds, sometimes from lovers in the heat of the act. But that's where you come in. You are food. Not the type that you fry up, but more like if you took steak from a cow strand by strand.

If you aren't properly shielded and you meet up with a psy vamp that's licking their lips, you can often walk away feeling tired, grumpy and ready to turn in for the night even thought it's ten in the morning. "What is this magical shielding technique, oh wise and powerful master?" you ask? Well, its quite simple and you can probably just google it, so I'm not going to waste my time with it here. But I will tell you what I've done with it.

One of the first things I did is add incantations for the basic techniques. Imagining a bright light pushing out the bad things in my body comes following the words, "Penitus lux lucis." Roughly translated into Latin it means, "inner light." Now none of the websites I visited mentioned a need for incantations, or any incantations at all. I find them useful as a kind of break between when I'm dozing off with my shield and when I put it up or reamp it. A point between here and there. I got a little shitty online latin translator to do the trick, it probably isn't what it really means in latin, but it's the thought that counts. I also have similar things for other types of shields, like fire.

Also a thing I've done with fire, I was kinda fucking with my shield, kinda fucking with psyballs. I made a shield out of fire, basic bright red spiritual fire. Then I added another layer of the shield, a red glass egg surrounding me. Then I did that inner light trick. For some reason, the Fire was still going strong without having a base or anyway to escape. This was actually causing a lot of pressure. I thought I would just go with it and see if I could do something with it, I pull it all off my body and make it float in front of me. A shield with a strong fire inside and white pure light inside that. I tried to squeeze it down. I tried to squeeze it down as far as I can, I don't really know what I was trying to do, maybe make a diamond. That would be interesting, not something to try on the first day though. It gave me a headache, a massive headache, but hey, I now I know that there maybe is something more to this besides just visualization, maybe it's something more physical.

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