Saturday, December 26, 2009

Laptop Makeouts

I made out with my laptop today. Only a little bit, and kinda on accident.

For the past few days, I've been feeling down. I haven't quiet left my girlfriend yet, but she seems to know that we can't last either. Mostly because she wants more dominate sex than I would let her have. But we are going to go on a trip soon enough, and since there is already about 250 dollars going into it, it is beyond the "Cancel for any reason" stage.

Emotions are like trains, they never stop, or at least they don't stop to easy. I have been feeling all this extra love that is in my system, but I don't have anywhere to let it go. No one to snuggle, no one to kiss softly, no one to climb on top of and make scream like I am so use to doing. When this love doesn't get let out properly, it keeps inside and rots. It rots into hate for the world, it rots into self-loathing. Until you finally get tired of it and start to give yourself flesh wounds. I think I just need to lose some bodily fluid to keep sane. Weather it be cum, sweat, tears or blood.

Anyways, I was playing The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask, on an emulator I have for my computer. I was about halfway through a day when it popped up with an error and shut down on me. It has done this several times when I was playing Orcrania of Time, but this was the first time with Majora's Mask. Looking at the clock and seeing that it was about 2:49 am, I decided to call it a day. I shut down my computer and fold it shut. I lean my tired head against it for a while and start to speak to it softly. "I know that you're getting old, I know that you're not doing to well so much. I admit, I have been looking at other laptops and others things to replace you, but you'll always be my first, and I will always love you for that." I kiss it softly on its cover, it has such a soft cover, I kiss it again, I open my lips and kiss it a bit harder...

Then I slap myself awake a little bit. I mean I love my laptop yea, but not like that. That is almost exactly what I would say to my girlfriend if I wanted to break up with her. One part of my mind is going, "dude, break it off now, you'll be better off, you don't need her, you don't need this shit." and the other part is going "I WANT SNUGGLES!!!!". Silly as it is, that part generally makes more sence.

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