Sunday, December 13, 2009

Guy crush

I have to wonder what the line is. Who you can date, who you can love. Heck, I'm not even to sure if guys are on my "O.K. to date" list.

I had a family get together this weekend. Everyone went up to a cabin my aunt rented and we had pizza, salad, and some huge muffins. Also this is the first time that Jason, my cousin, has been up in a while. I don't know why, but I almost fell in love. He tall and slighly works out and has long hair that he tied behind his back and he has this little gottee and mustach combo and he talks about all these awesome things and I think he said he was an aquatic body massauger and I have no idea what that is but its awesome and he had this jacket that had bellbottom arms that looked awesome and he had this fly pair of pants and I looked them up online and they were two hundred and twenty dollers so I don't think I'm going to get them anytime soon but they looked really awesome and I want his children, I just looked up what aquatic body massuage is and it is freaking awesome, Jason works in a pool half naked all day long making people feel good, oh god I want him to touch meeeeeee!!!

But he is my cousin, so that's kinda weird. I don't know actually. I've never really been attracted to a family member before. Save for thoes weird dreams about my mother having a horse cock and forcing me to dress up in french maid clothes and clean a redicuacly huge house that I've never seen before. Lets not talk about that. I have had a dream where I made out with a sister that I don't have, but I think that is a little diffrent. As long as their they same age, I think incest could be ok, like brother sister stuff. Or kissing cousins, which I kinda want to be right now. I think if I had a sister, and she was rather hot and my age, that I would make a pass at her. But I don't have a sister, so I don't really know.

Family is weird, I don't need to be adding weird relationships to the center of it. It be a bit like having two close friends of yours start to go out, it would be a little weird to see them make out on the couch. And if they ever broke up, you would have to choose a side. In family its worse, because if you did break up, they're blood, so you can't choose a side. And if you don't break up, you mother would want grandchildren, even if they come out with horrible diseases. She would still think they're cute.

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