Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Transhuman Necrophille

I feel like an immortal, I feel like nothing can dent me forever. Why? I got a new shirt, kinda looks like the shirt Brad Pitt wore in "Interview with a Vampire". And I look damn sexy in it. But it made me realize that I am an immortal. Think of it like furries knowing that they are really a wolf. I don't think I have to drink blood, and I don't think that I have to ever die.

I think it is more of a realization. I've always been interested in living longer than your average human, always been a transhumanist. And I never really thought I was an average human. I think now I really will change my life for the better. Live healthier and exercise and stop eating crap and just be good to myself. How else am I going to live forever?

In other news I finally figured out my feelings about my girlfriend. I figured out that I can still love her, but only when I think of her as a girl. If she ever found my blog and saw that I'm using the wrong pronoun, she would be pissed. After she came out, I denied that to myself. It took me three months to realize that she will eventually become completely male, or die trying. I'm am not sure if I can ever have a serious relationship with a guy. The only reason that I'm with her now is that I consider Tommy a girl in my head. I've been loving a dead girl, I think it is time to move on.

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