Monday, November 30, 2009


I just finished nanowrimo. And when I say finish, I mean all 50,000 words finished.

But I don't know if it was really worth it. In my mind, I had this awesome story, quick fight scenes, and sexy girls. But on paper, it is nothing near what I had in my mind. The very act of trying to transfer it from my brain to a word document made it watered down to a point that I don't know weather or not that it is the same thing. I know that at this point that I am not a very good writer, and that I need to practice just like my guitar and my drawings and my not having my knees give out when I try to pick up a girl. All things that could be worked on and improved rather than play Zelda on a computer emulation of a Nintendo 64.

There is a lot better things I could be doing with my life and I want to change that.

On another note. I recently came out to my girl/boyfriend that I am not really digging the transition as much as she thought. Even now I want to call "Tommy" a girl. She is turning into a guy and some of the stuff that she talks about with such great love, like growing a mustache or chopping off her hair, just frighten me. I know that she is changing from once she once was and that it scares me that she might turn into something that I have trouble loving. I want her to stay the way they are because I like i that way.

As much as the though of her transition scares me, I realized that the thought of me being without her is much more scary.

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