Sunday, November 1, 2009

Angry not friend rant

Why am I the bad guy? Honestly, sorry about your precious gas. Sorry you had to come pick me up so I could leave you be. The truth is that I DO NOT hang out with people I do not like and your little friend there, the one with ADD and the superiority complex, I DO NOT like. I seriously do not understand why you hang out with him, he is annoying, loud, and never makes a lick of sence. More than that he promotes stupid internet videos that he thinks is cool. That's another one of my pet peeves. And you even agree with me that he is most of the time an annoying prick that is a total cocktease. And you still hang out with him.

That's one of the diffrences between us. You will put yourself in these situations that get you angry, get you pumped up with feelings that you got to bottle down. Then when we're alone, you let these feeling out in this stream of conciousness that I've heard a million times before. If you really like M and don't like her boyfriend that she hangs out with constantly, then don't hang out with M. It's as simple as that. If you do not like someone do not hang out with them. Sometimes the reward of their friendship and company is not worth the cost of dealing with that other person. If I were you, I would have dumped M a long time ago. You put up with people that you do need to for useless reasons and that's one of your weaker points.

You know B, that kid that I really hated and, thankfully, he moved away a year ago. He occationaly comes to some of the bigger parties and whenever I hear that he is coming to one, I seriously consider not going to that party. Whenever I do go to a party when he's there, I have to sourround myself with anyone else to protect myself from not punching him in the face.

So I'm sorry that I wasted your gas when you came and pick me up, only to go right back to my home, but I didn't think he would be with us. You are one of the most lovely and wonderful things in my life, but he's a douch. I am not the bad guy.

Now if you excuse me, I have to start my Nanowrimo and my first chaper is probably going to be pretty fucking angry.

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