Sunday, November 15, 2009

Clean Streak

Ding dong.

"Oh hello, you must be the cleaner." The little old lady opened the door slowly, looking at the strange man in his dark jumpsuit.

"Hello mam, you called about the mess?" says the cleaner, he tips his cap to the old broad.

"Why yes, its just down the stairs." She motions he to come in and starts to go towards the basement. "Normally I keep this place so clean, but lately I just don't know what happened."

"Don't worry mam, we get a lot of cases like this." The cleaner starts off, "Can you tell me what happened when it started?"

"Why yes, one day I came home with this little electronic device that my grandson bought for me. It does all these neat little beeps and whistles, and it even tells you the time! But oh lordy me, I just didn't know what to do with it. So I just set it on the counter there. I guess I put something else on the counter right next to it and it just started to pile up and up." The old lady tries to sound as innocent as she can.

"That's perfectly normal, we can take all this stuff and put it right back where it belongs, ok?" The man takes the little old lady down the stairs to clean that huge pile of crap.

This is kind of the scene that was playing out through my head when I was cleaning my room. I had to clean my room because my parents were kicked out of their place. I had to go through all the old stuff I had and decide what of it was good. What of it was crap. And what of it I could donate to some needy charity. Lots of old memories flying by. Lots of old memories flying into the trash too. Life sucks.

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