Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nano and Moral

Fuckity fuck bitch cunt niggers.

I just found out why NaNoWriMo is an awesomely bad idea. Four days in and I can't get past 2,500 words. I just don't really know what to write. I tried to practice writing 1666 words a day and I did it quite well, I know the problem now, I just came up with one little senctence and ran with it till the end of the story. When I try to follow something, it feels to short, it feels to much like there should be more. Even if I can't figure out anything more to put in there.

Maybe I'm just not to good of a writer. I'll work on short stories first.

In other news, I'm having a major moral delimma. My girlfriend, I don't quite remember what I've called her here before but lets just say T. T has a friend named, for the purpose of I don't want anyone I know finding this shit, K. Now, K was the one I mentioned that was really annoying, and he's gay.

I kind of had a fling with him a few months back, one of thoes "Lets go camping, it will be away from anyone caring about us fucking." It was mostly for T and me. I did have a good time. And since there wasn't too much else to do, I hung out with K a lot. I eventually made a game called "Noes time, ass time." He's one of thoes people that are comfortable getting touched. So I touched his nose saying "Nose time!" then he would jump/fall back. We were on a inflatable mattress. Then since it was out there, I said "Ass time!" and grab his ass. Then he would jump up and sit up to protect his ass. "Nose time, ass time, nose time, ass time, lather, rinse, repeat." Eventually he got tired of jumping around and let me fondle his ass. It went from that to eventually me fucking him in the ass.

T got really pissed at this. She's been his friend for years and has always had a little bit of a crush on him. I come in and in a few hours I turn him into a fucking machine. I could almost instantly understand it as she not really being assertive enough. She thinks she's a nice guy. I'm the one that gets laid. I also had to explain this to her in such a way that didn't sound like "you suck".

Foward back to about three hours ago. I know they've been hanging out a lot together, I'm kinda cool with that. Mostly because I know he's gay and wouldn't really want to do something with a physical girl. Turns out I'm wrong. Today they are going to go out and shop for a strap on that K would be willing to take. He bottoms. I can't join because she wants to make head way with him before I get in the picture. Just like the tents, but backwards. And the problem is that I don't really want this to happen. We have an open relationship, I've been with several others. But this is the first time she has gone and found someone else and I don't like it. I should be going "Yea go ahead, you turn to go get some!" But I really don't want it to happen. Especially without me. I want to think I'm not selfish but just protective of my prize when I'm free to get more. But either way I'm either a selfish douch, or a sexist douch.

I hate when things bite you in the ass.

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