Sunday, February 28, 2010

Manty trouble

I like little social experiments, changing little things about yourself to see if anyone notices. No one has however. Shave one arm, nothing. Dye beard purple, no one notices until halfway through the day. Mostly because, as it turns out, hair dye doesn't always make your hair the color you want it to. It just turned it a little red. kinda makes me look Irish.

Anyways, I mostly came up here to tell you about my new experiment, mantyhose. We got this weird thing in our school where you dress up to show school spirit on the indicated days. Monday is Jean Jacket day, Tuesday is Camo day Wednesday is Ugly Sweater day and there's some more days in the week but whatever. The important bit is Camo day, I have a pair of camoflauge pantyhose. And women, are your ankles the same size as your thighs, because apparently who ever makes the camo tights I have thinks that women are built like that. One size fits all my ass.

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