Saturday, March 13, 2010

Notes of a True Scotsman

I had a weird thought cross my mind this morning. "Why do I need underwear today?" Its something I've been thinking about for a while, in the modern society, we do not need undergarments as much as those who live before toilet paper. Heck, I'm seeing my GF today, one more layer between me and her cooch might be a bad thing.

So, I woke up early, took a shower, got together some shit, and went down to see my girlfriend. Where was my girlfriend was and has been for the past few days is this local yearly renn fair. I had a few blankets for her so I got in thirty minuets early holding just one load saying "Deliveries" to the guy at the front gate. Other than that, I bummed around for a while, looking at all the shit that people brought to sell. Everything from smocks to swords, and some more. After she got off her shift that pretty much earned her a free ticket in, we went around looking at all the clothes.

She convinced me to buy a kilt. I admit, its cool. By that I mean, the breeze that goes up there. After I buy it, we both go into this single stall, mens bathroom. She had convincing enought facial hair, that was once mine. yay latex glue Anyway, I put the kilt on and take my pants off underneath. Then I remember that I didn't have any underwhere that day. And my girlfriend has my pants and are not agreeing to give them back. What a bitch.

The rest of the day I was nervous, just that one little breeze that would send my thin kilt up enough to show my ass off to a little girl that has a father that will beat my ass and mother that will get me permantly on a Sex Offender list. I have normal worries. But it was late in the day, and soon enough, we went back to her tent. And fucked hard. In kilts. Awesome.

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