Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ups and Downs

My GF/BF just came and went through a cycle of high/low, and I wish I took more advantage of it.

At that little ren faire she was helping with, there were a few guys hanging around a campfire and having beer, she joined in and explained that she wanted to be a he. All these drunk guys went "You're a dude in our books", and that made her happy. Ecstatically happy. Happy enough that I got to fuck her in her vagina. I know the concept of "feeling manly makes the thought of putting a penis in my cooch easier" doesn't make too much sense. But whatever I rolled with it. I tried to make her feel manly, and loved all the sex I got for it. Life was good and I didn't feel the need to blog my issues.

Then last Thursday, we got this crazy idea to dress her up like a girl and do a photo shoot. Even though she looks a heck of a lot like a boy most of the time, when she flaunts off her figure, she's got something fierce. Which may have led to her downfall. I got turned on by this hot chick in front of me, and she got reminded that her body isn't what she wants it to be at all. So there was a night of good sex. Then there was a morning of O.K. sex. Then there was the last few days of feeling no where near what she was a week ago.

When she's not happy, I'm not happy. Partly because my crotch soldier can't get happy. And I want to help, I do, it's just that my damn hormones keep getting in the way of being a loving individual instead of just a horny fuck.

Also I have another issue. She is 8 days late on her period. I keep bringing that up in my mind and thinking "Oh Fuck, she preggers, mother is going to kill me." Then again she has also told me that she hasn't really been keeping track of her periods until last January. Now I don't know Vaginas too well, but I think that I don't think I could tell how long my cycle is in just two months, so I'm feeling a little better. But still there is that thought in my head of "I'm going to have a little baby boy. Then my mother is going to nail her baby boy to the wall."

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