Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is bad.

This is bad this is bad this is bad...

I think my girl/boyfriend might have just broken up with me. That's probably what just happened. Herrrrrrrrr fuck.

Over text she started saying that the last few times we've been together, "I leave you feeling worse than when I come to you more and more lately."

And it goes down hill from there, "I don't think being in a relationship of any kind is going to help that right now."

After that it was just kinda "Can we still be friends?" and then she accused me of being a peice of shit of something that she took totally the wrong way. I reply "I didn't mean it like that" and she kinda goes "well whatever talk to you later".

I might be able to still date her, cuz she said she would talk to me on saturday. Right up some romantic crap, hopefully we could still be friends at least. Hopefully I can get her back.

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