Thursday, April 29, 2010

No one can make me feel more like shit than that girl.

Alright, let me get a breakdown over what's happened over the last few weeks.

1. My girlfriend broke up with me, citing that things like I want way to much sex and I still see her as a girl even though she is trying to transition. I was devastated, broken and I would do anything to get her back.

2. In a few days, I became ok with it. She was just another lost one that didn't know what she was missing. We talked, agreed to be friends, and that seemed to be that.

3. About a week later, we had sex. That nasty little thing that broke us up, was the same thing that we did that night. At the time, she was horny as fuck and too horny for her own good.

4. We talked online. I don't want to go into too much detail. When she woke up the next morning, she was pissed. I took advantage of her, I wasn't a good friend, I was this, I was that. She was not happy. Then I said one thing that made me seem like a complete douche.

Fuck man, she said it made me seem like I just pulled a Zapp Brannigan on her. I like her a lot and I got to the point where I want to keep being a friend. But I think I might have fuck that up. And I don't like it at all. I was ok with not being in a relationship, I was ok with no sex, I don't think I'm ok with loseing a friend though. Sex is complicated, and fucks shit up.

I wanna go cry now, or at least slit my wrists.

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