Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Miami Varsity Sports vs. Tropical Storm Ike

I was watching 'Extreme Home Makeover' with my step mom the other day. I was kinda making fun of it as I usually do with shows like this. "Man this family been through so much. One of their first houses was lost in Katrina, they moved more north into tornado country, and lost their house. So one of the important things here today is really giving a family back their house but the most important thing-"

"Is ratings"

This kinda made me realize that I'm lucky to live in California. We don't have bad weather that destroys cites. We do have fires and the occasional earthquake but we can prepare for those. And we have firefighters. I have yet to see someone go up against a tornado. But there are a few sporting guys named 'The Hurricane' or something to that matter. But when you put them up against something that's a couple hundred miles wide and going 120 miles per hour...

Let's just say I got my money on the tropical storm.

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