Monday, August 31, 2009

My Girl/Boyfriend

As I've said before, I have a girlfriend with multiple personality disorder. One of her favorite alters is one named Jack. Your normal big bad motorcycle madman. Right now she is integrating with him. For those a bit un-researched in the MPD or DID area, integration is when the two that have split off from each other come back together. Normally the original alter will pretty much stay the same. However, she has concluded that Jack was the original, the one who was born into that body. Now instead of the abuse causing the splits causing the gender dysphoria. Its the gender dysphoria causing the abuse causing the splits. K was there for Jack to protect him from the awful dreaded act of wearing skirts. Among other things. Doesn't make too much sence to me because Jack fits way too well into a stereotype and there have been stories told of him being born, more or less.

How does this fit into me you might ask? Well one of the first things my Girlfriend decided when she started integrating, is that she was a boy. And I'm really having trouble accepting that. When we got together, I was mostly in it for, well, sex at first. But I learned to love her. Important part there, "Her". Jack, who she considered downright necessary for him to get a release, was kinda a side bonus. He was this guy that would be way more intense and a real beast and all these other things I could list. They both brought these unique things to the relationship that together was fantastic. But things change. For the last month or two, Jack hasn't been out. And I've realized something. I like being a man, I like being in control and on top of things, like my women. I wanna be a man, I wanna have a girl that will want me, want to do my every whim. And yes, that seems a little sexist, but it's how everything worked out for the last 10,000 years. Why should this century be any different? What I don't want is a boy, and unfortunately in my girlfriend, that's all there is left.

And I gotta start calling her Calvin. I'm not sure if I can do that.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I just watched a movie, Mysterious Skin, decent movie, I recommend it. Makes Brokeback Mountain look like Dora the Explorer. But all the while when I'm watching it I'm thinking, I know that kid. That main character that's now turning tricks. Where do I know him from. Well thanks to the internet, I got the answer off of Wikipedia really quick. It's the same kid from Third Rock from the Sun. Easy enough. While I'm on wikipedia I'll look around a bit. So let's take a trip.

Mysterious Skin > Asexual > Androgyny > Bisexuality > Gay bar > Bar > Cantina > Mos Esily Cantina > List of Star Wars Races (P-T)

In this list of races

"An equine-humanoid species, the Thakwaash reside on the world of Thakwaa.

The entire Thakwaash race is afflicted with a form of dissociative identity disorder Each member possesses multiple 'minds'; each of these minds (and associated personalities) controlling a different skill or talent.

The most notable member of the Thakwaash race is Wraith Squadron pilot Hohass "Runt" Ekwesh."

Horse-People. Crazy Horse-People. In Star Wars, there is an entire planet of Crazy Horse-People. I kinda wanted to live in the Star Wars Galaxy. Now, not so much.

Thank you George Lucas.

Friday, August 14, 2009


"What would you wish for, anything at all. I would go for having the power to stop time so I could rape everything without anyone knowing.

That's impossible try for something a bit more realistic. Alright, how about one of my friends falling in love with me. Not to realistic, but at least possible.

She already has a boyfriend, and they're decently happy together, that would be a little selfish. And what are you talking about, you already got a girlfriend. My girlfriend would probably like to see me fuck someone else, so no problem there.

Alright so how about going for this other friend? Ok, sweet.

I wish she would fall in love with me."

The meteor shower was the other night, that was pretty much what went through my mind when I walked. I think I respect the first friend enough that I wouldn't fuck her. The second friend has really big tits. But the point is that I'm a normal human male and would turn down hot hot sex if I knew that it would cause pain to some one I- respect so much. Sometimes my mind does weird things to me.