Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Brother

I don't have a brother, she has one though. It's not me, I think that guy is like halfway across state at some collage or a job or something. Anyway he moved out. But she has this thing of calling anyone who is a decently close friend of hers a sibling. So much so that she calls my girlfriend her sister, little weird with the incest going on.

I really hate her calling me brother.

I really really hate it.

Its not because I use to have a brother that I now have painful memories of, or that I don't like being compared to her brother. It's just that when ever I hear her call me "brother," what I hear is "I never want to fuck you," And that bothers me. After the first few times she said this, I started calling her "brother," she liked it and this is kinda a running joke between us now. I hate the fact that she liked that.

Now, I don't mind not ever getting to far with a girl, but this is kinda like rubbing it in. And girls tend to do that without noticing. They know a guy likes them, but they'll just tend to ignore it. Yes girls, in guy language, saying "Oh, your such a great friend," is more or less equal too slapping a fresh sunburn.

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