Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I got Dumped =P

I got dumped by one of my girlfriends, I'm pretty sure I told you I had two girlfriends. I;m a bit too lazy to look back and see. So I think Ill explain the whole thing.

The first girlfriend I had, K, she's the one with the multiple personalties, got together with me either the end of October or the end of 2008, depending on how you look at it. She said it would be cool for me to get another girlfriend, and so I do.

At the Sadie Hawking Dance, I tended to dance with one girl, B, and I kinda figured out I really liked her, so I asked her out. She said yes. Then I spent the next ten minuets explaining how much of an idiot I felt like for not asking her earlier. The night ended well, I got a new girlfriend. Woo.

The getting a new girlfriend kinda went, well, normalish. I think. All my friends asked why I would date that 'guy', and all her friends ask what she could possibly see in me. Our friends didn't like each other too much. I didn't see her that much during school. Why should I? Can't do anything fun. I think that one of my problems, I feel much more comfortable while doing the naughty. I could see her a bit on the weekends, we fucked just once. It was ok, she was tight.

About two or three weeks aftwards, she broke up with me. Just a little phone call. "Hey, I don't think this is going to work out. I hope we can still be friends." "K, thanks" The whole phone call, twenty two seconds.

Not that we ever got that close but still kinda hurts. I trusted a girl enough to date her, and well that kinda stings now. Its not too often that I will seriously go for a girl, I tend to fear rejection. It just stings.

I think it was a bit of a mistake, I don't mean she was a bad girl, she could stay a bit more in reality and a bit less in her book. Whatever, I need to read more. I think my major mistake was dating someone so popular, I thought she was at the popularity level that she could be fucking hobos everynight for 7.50 a pop and no one would give a damm. We barely did anything and rumors were going around that we were fucking like rabbits every night. I fucking wish. That and one her best friends really really fucking hates me.

Lesson learned, don't date anyone.

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