Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yay! We're fuck up!

Sorry if I didn't write that much last month, I was preparing for NanoWriMo. Not really but I'll use that as an excuse. I am a bit of a procrastinator so this will hopefully help me. I also procrastinated with the signing up part so don't go looking for me on their sight. That doesn't matter I can still do it without the word count.

If you read some of my posts labeled "Parable of Insanity". The story is basically about him, trying to fit into the real world. Then again, I can't decide on several different variables so I started rewriting it about twice already. The main difference between the versions is his name, weather he has one or not, I think I might call him Keter. But I would like to keep him nameless.

"Come here often?" He says, talking this time instead of just smiling.
"As often as I get lame pick up lines" She says, smiling at her comeback.
"Well it's my first time here, can you show me around?"
"Wait, I'm pretty sure I've seen you here before." She blurts out, confused.
"No you have not, it was just an illusion" He pauses before adding, "You must have some good daydreams if I am in them."

He can be a sweet guy when he needs be, or wants to be. But really he is quite insane. Sweet sociopathic guys. Insanity is a fashion statement nowadays. Come on, go crazy, all the cool kids are doing it! Just look at things like Jhonney The Homicidal Maniac, Dexter, and many more that I can't think of at the moment. Also the whole fashion of emos cutting themselves, come to think of it I would like to cut emos too.

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