Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Last Dance for Mary Jane

He looked at her and saw more than a girl. More than anything he ever saw before really. Half a coffee shop between them and he could smell her hair, feel her breath, touch her skin. Nothing lasts forever, same with coffee. Soon enough, too soon for him, she left. Leaving only a warm seat and a empty cup. He wouldn't leave home with only that, oh no, not this time. He need more, much more that he ever survived on before. He asked how he could have ever survive before this night, before this chase of a girl. Three blocks north, one west. The longest and most exciting walk he had ever taken because at the end was her. The Beauty. And him the Beast. But that story ends a whole lot better. No one dies in that story. Everyone is happy. He knew he couldn't be happy. So he got as close as he could to true happiness by getting as physically close to this girl as possible. Once her door was down, all she tried was to get away, all her might was against him. But he knew she couldn't win, he was waiting much much longer for this chance. Nothing could keep him away form this girl tonight, especially not this girl. And he got his chance, his chance at happiness. And let me tell you something, he enjoyed every moment. The moment which she could run no longer. The moment where he first laid his hand upon her skin. When she shivered at his touch and screamed at his grab. She screamed and screamed but nothing could be done to stop him. The universe itself couldn't tear them apart at this point as he grabbed for more, so much more than he has seen before. And he took those hands that struck him and those feet that crawled from him and made sure that they could do no more. And he had his way, not just with her body but with her soul as well. He tasted not every square inch of her body but every cubic inch as well. Blood filled the room in not only volume but smell. the air was rich in the stench of iron. The stench he now loved as it came from the girl he loved one night and for the rest of his life.


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