Saturday, May 22, 2010

I am not a crook

I just started making my own magic card. I am into that sort of thing, but all the cards I have now seem to be a bit underpowered. I want my own cards. My own creatures and enchantments. None of this pay 4 dollars and you'll get one good card that you may or may not be able to use.

There isn't any guide to this though. So I had to make it myself.

First off, I created the card I want. I tried not to make it overtly powerful, so it seems more believable, but still would be a killer addition to any deck.

Steal the Sky 5U

Enchantment, Rare

If Steal the Sky has any charge counters on it, you cannot win the game and your opponents cannot lose the game.

Put a charge counter on Steal the Sky, add one of any mana to your mana pool. You may play this ability as an instant and as many times as needed to.

1: Remove a charge counter from Steal the Sky

You can borrow from the gods, but be prepared to pay them back.

So with this card here, we have a practically unlimited mana pool and an exchanging system to instantly get any color mana. The draw backs are obvious, you don't want to get to far in the hole because you could never dig yourself out in time to have your opponent in the hole but you still be in the positive. Even still, it should cost more than six mana. I actually got this idea in one of my government classes. Yay deficit spending.

So on to the actual chea- making part. First, I took a dremel bit to one of my mountains that I have five copies of the exact same mountain of. I made it nice and clean, a white canvas to paint on. Then I took a while and made about ten different prints onto a peice of photo paper trying to get the size and positioning right. I finally figured it out by pasting the JPEG into Microsoft word and making the sideways deminiton exactly 2.5 inches, the size of a regulation magic card. Then I just taped the card directly onto the paper, exactly over the other one. It took me a bit of thinking to come up with that. If you don't have a crappy printer, you should have trouble with it jamming. And I pressed print, and Walla!

Honestly, its not to good. My printer is a peice of crap and the card looks like shit. It bleed freaking everywhere and the thing some how managed to smear it up. The card is noticably lighter and lets a lot more light through it. And the texture the dremel tool left is nothing near the glossy paper feel of every other card.

It's shit, but its a start and I'm proud.

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