Sunday, June 7, 2009

Subtly fucking our children

Alright, today I was walking around the apartments I live at, thinking about doing laundry. So I go down to the room to discover all the washers are taken up. Not wanting this to be a waste, I look around to see what I could grab, there's nothing but lint in the trash but there's a bag of clothes in on the "Take me" table. I leaf through it and it looks like I might like it so I take the bag into the apartment with me so I can try them on. Turns out, most of them are girl clothes. Why the fuck not, I try them on anyways.

Now, I'm a good sized guy, 5'10", ~200lb. Get your own meter/Kilo translation if you want it. In men's shirts, I normally wear a medium if I want something with a closer fit that makes me look sexy, or a large if I want something comfy. So, I pick up the first girls shirt, XL babydoll T, I'm thinking that its going to be big on me. Nope, fits perfectly, shows off my sexy(blah) figure. There is one XXL shirt in there so I figure I'll try that on. Barely any wiggle room, I wasn't really sure if this was a size up.

According to my findings, the corporate machine has one of the biggest pushes to make girls skinner that there is. Calling that extra ten pounds an extra dress size. With a normal guys shirt, you could probably gain twenty or thirty pounds and still fit fine. And its probably more than that. Guys tend to gain weight in different areas. I knew corporations make the biggest affect on girls lives when they come out with new fashions and last seasons stuff deserve to be trashed for all time, but this is news to me. Corporations also subtly make girls want to be thinner just so they can get that smaller shirt.

Kinda makes sense if you look at it from their point of view. Corporations do it to sell more better fitting shirts. I think I'm just pissed off that I'm an eXtra Large girl.

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