Friday, December 28, 2012

Godly Thoughts

I'm not sure how some people think there could be a god in the world. Looking at how much trouble there is in the world , then looking at this almighty being and saying god is good.

Maybe god is a bit more like us. Not able to multitask too well can only really do one thing at a time. Like imagine the pope walking up to god saying

"Dear Lord, may you help all the children starving in Africa."

And god booming back "Yes my child, right after this Lakers game"

"Lord, you need to take the garbage out"

"Yes, I'm on it. Hey could you grab me a beer?"

"God Damm it"

"Damm what? Did that cat shit in the plants again. I'll damm it for you. *Thunder noises* *cat screech* It's in hell now."

"No, that's not what I wanted at all."

"Well I don't know what you want, I'm not a mind reader. You gotta pray or something."

"I did!"

"Well you gotta pray when the Lakers aren't on."

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