Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with the world.

Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me.

Sometimes I wonder if we only do the things we do since it's the only thing we can do. Is our whole lives planned out for us not by some god but by our genes?

I'm not really sure if I can keep two thoughts in a row.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Path To Everlasting Death

Life has always trying to live, thats just its nature. Life that does not try to live or does not try to extend its species will soon become extinct. Simple Darwinism.

In the beginning, every life was important. If you go back in time and eliminate a single microscopic organism, we might have one third the amount of current species. Or we might have a third more. Never know.

A bug flew onto my desk today. It was an act of continuing survival. He wanted my chips. Unfortunately for him, he flew into a house of a human who like to take small flying creatures and rip off everyone of their limbs before crushing their head in a pair of needle-nose pliers. Some creatures are not known for their luck.

I know I didn't do much. There were three more bugs just like it on my screen and its a bug that has an area of half the continent. Luck in numbers.

One of my friend's grandfather passed away recently. No big loss, he was 87. A solider died in Iraq today. No big loss, he knew what he signed up for. A kid starved in Africa with in the hour. No big loss, he wouldn't have made anything of himself. I'm not saying that life is worthless, just a lot of it is. At least it's not worth $6.9 million.

Did you know some people came up with the fact that your average American life is worth a little less than seven million in current USD. There's about $46,230,000,000,000 in human life if you listen to the right people. Last I heard you could get someone for a good 6K if you go to the right people.

I need to meet more people.

It seems like a lot of people do think that people are worth a lot. Just check out how many 'Save the Elderly/Cancer Victims/Third-World Stick People/Neonatal Half-Chimps!' types of societies reaching their hand down your pants for some cash. Which you could write off on your tax refund or you could buy more blow. It's a free country.

This world could do a lot better if there weren't so many people. If one person dies, or one million people die, it will not affect our species. Death is rather good. It frees up space for the young and able. Unless the young and able want to use the graveyard.

Loss is nothing.

I think this is just rationalization for my own imminent suicide/murder spree but it could be fit to work for pro-Gay/Abortion/Drugs/Assisted Suicide/Suicide/Murder Sprees. What do you guys think?

Rant number 1

This was originally posted on 411chan by me.

No one ever comes here, nice place to rant.

Right now I'm watching Chris Angel, he's trying to prove that physic don't exist. It's just on the tv, I'm not really watching it, but it's there.

Background noise. Seems like there is a lot of that around now days. Nothing is ever quiet, peaceful. Everything has noise. Fridges, AC, computers, cars, crickets. No one pays attention to them. Ever.

I guess that's a safety measure. If your brain took in everything that ever went into it, it would explode, just the same stuff over and over again. So it filters stuff out, most of the time its just little stuff. Background noise.

But we really do filter out to much good stuff. Normal stuff, important stuff. It all just fades away.

People are just big soft cocks.

Some people do catch stuff. Collect stuff. Some mom who really cares about their kid. Some Wall Street Guy who's paid to know about what stock is going to be next week.But you tend to lose something when you do that. The mom deep in her kid's life probably doesn't have a job, or one that requires much time or mental effort. Mr. Wall Street may have a wife and kids, but they'll want to see more of him. Same with any friends he has. People just aren't really meant to do that much for to long without their brain exploding, splitting, or breaking down.

One of the reasons I don't believe that trying to become medically immortal is such a good idea. After a few hundred years, what's the point? I don't believe anything has a point anyways even though I've only been here for a few years. A few centuries? I don't think so.

I'm just a little depressive in case you can't tell.

I do try to live in the moment, not really care about life or the future. In a good way though. Its because whenever I look at life and take a good look. I see something. Life sucks. Life really sucks.

When you take it all in to account. You could tell days and days of 'feelgood' stories. I could tell years and years of 'feelbad' stories. Doesn't that make you feel nice?