Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's like that Recurring Nightmare that you've only had once

I don't think I dream like normal people. I'm not really sure if that sentence made sense. I don't really know what a normal dream is to be honest. But lately, I've been having this series of dreams that have been full of various repeated things that I've never really heard other people talk about in their dreams.

First is this restart thing that happens occasionally. It probably has to do with how much I play video games. If I fail at something, or if something goes horribly wrong or sometimes for no reason, I'll be back where I was five minuets ago to try again. A week ago, I had a dream where this little village I lived in was being bombed my air raids. It was my job to take down the zeppelins that were bombing us and take out their leader. The first time around, after the bombed most of the village, they landed, I boarded and found myself woefully under prepared for a fight with a girl with a mace before she finally shot me. The second time around, I found an airplane, landed on and sabotaged the zeppelin before it bombed anything and found the leader girl and easily took her down and took her gun from her and shot her in the chest. It was awesome.

Another thing I never hear anyone else talking about and something that annoys the fuck out of me is that I never get to have sex in my dreams. Anytime I get to hot and bothered in my dreams, I'll wake up as if my mind is pushing me out for being to naughty. When I come out of those, I feel like I always wake up really easy, that just makes me infinitely more frustrated because I can't fall asleep back into that dream. And 99% of the time, I absolutely hate it and it just want me to bang stuff harder. But last night, I found that 1% for the first time. The other person in my dream was my 6th grade teacher who was trying to seduce me. And if you don't know my 6th grade teacher, which you better not since this is an anonymous blog, she is a mix of the Mother/Witch character from Tangled and a boot camp instructor. If you do know my 6th grade teacher, get out of here stalker.